Walking the English Coast: a guide

shortlisted for an awardShortlisted for the 2017 Rubery Book awardshortlisted for an award

john-on-norfolk-coastHave you ever wanted to set off on a great walking adventure?
Do you dream of turning seaside rambles into something more ambitious?
If so, this is the book for you.

Walking the English Coast: A Beginner’s Guide

Front cover,600Walking the English Coast: A Beginner’s Guide is a 246 page paperback book, beautifully illustrated with colour photographs and diagrams, and divided into sections for easy reference.

I’ll show you how to plan your very own walking adventure – covering everything you need to know from how to read maps and interpret signs, to what (not) to carry, and even how to avoid the dreaded blisters.

This book will tell you everything you need to know about walking the coast of England – the easy way!

 ‘If I can turn from a couch potato into an experienced coastal walker, anybody can.’ 

Packed with practical tips and laced with anecdotes, this book will inspire you to get up, get out and get walking. Available from Waterstones, from Blackwell’s, from Foyles, from Hive, from Amazon.co.uk and  Amazon.com

shortlisted for an awardShortlisted for the 2017 Rubery Book awardshortlisted for an award

Or look for my name in Amazon’s resellers list,  and buy a reduced price and signed copy, while I still have some in stock.

NEW! The text of the paperback book is available in a series of four eBooks. Only available from Amazon.

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16 Responses to Walking the English Coast: a guide

  1. Wingclipped says:

    Many congratulations on the new book, Ruth! I’m guessing the photos are going to be yours as well as the words – what a fantastic idea!

  2. Hi Nic, yes, all the photographs are mine. I even persuaded one of my daughters to pose for a sequence illustrating stretching exercises! My hubby features too, although he is more an example of what NOT to wear on a walk 😀 Glad to see you’re back on the coast too.

  3. Chris Elliott says:

    Well done on publishing your first (?) book on your walk. Hopefully it will encourage more people to enjoy our fabulous countryside.

  4. Hanna says:

    Congratulations on your new book, Ruth!

  5. Trevor Pyle says:

    Hi Ruth

    I am producing a short video on behalf of the Department for Transport which will be shown at the GWR Community Rail Seminar next week. To that end we’ve been filming branch lines around Devon and Cornwall, as well as the Seven Beach line. The community rail team for this line have transformed the state of the line’s stations, unfortunately it poured with rain yesterday and so our shots are rain soaked ones and we don’t have the opportunity to return.

    However, we would also like to show the state of Avonside station prior to CR’s involvement and I and I wondered if you would be kind enough to let us use the two photos you took of the station before it had a makeover. It is a government video, it won’t be shown commercially and we would of course, credit your contribution.

    Perhaps you can get back to me,

    Many thanks

  6. Sounds like a lovely and useful planning book.

  7. Karen Garibaldi says:

    Hi Ruth – I am Karen from northern California, and I have just learned of you and your books, and am very excited to check them out. My first travel to England was about a year ago, and spent a brief time along the coast of Dover. I found some of most exquisite rocks there, as our guide referred to them as “tiles”, and also some sea glass. I am wondering if any of your past four books include beaches to visit to discover more flotsam and jetsam! England is such an exquisite country. Thank you for you time when you can get back to me.

    • Hi Karen, thank you for contacting me. None of my books are really travel guides to the coast. I talk about the logistics of long distance walking in “Walking the English Coast”, but not about places to visit. The best place for this information is my blog itself. The south coast of Devon and Cornwall are amazing – with interesting rock formations and plenty of fossils.. Use the search feature to find Lulworth Cove and Lyme Regis. There are plenty of other places too. Best wishes, Ruth

  8. Andrea Morgans says:

    Hi Ruth. My name is Andrea and I’m planning on taking up the challenge of walking the coastal line of Britain for WWF I’m planning on buying you book tomorrow. But was wondering if you had time to help me with a few questions that may not be in your book. I’m selling things so I can. Buy things I’m going to need along the way. E. G clothes shoes tent money for B&B. It’s the extra cost I may not of thought of for example the Thames and other river mouths are threr any boats or have I got to walk the extra 48 miles can I pitch up my tent anywhere do I have to get the councils permission to walk and fundraise in their district… I’m on a low bugget as I’ve been on sick leave for 3 years and I’m lucky if I can walk 4 miles in a day. So need to get as many pointers as possible before I start. Waiting for a stoma bag before I can do this walk but want to get planning in case I’m OK this may. Thank you for taking the time to read this email many thanks Andrea

    • Hi Andrea. You’ve taken on an ambitious project, and I applaud your bravery. I hope your health continues to improve. Just wondering if it might be better for you to tackle the English coast, or England plus Wales, rather than to attempt the whole of Britain. That would be challenging enough and a great adventure, but avoids the wilds of Scotland.

      I’m sure you will find my book helpful, and it includes a section on walking for charity. Anyway, to answer your questions…

      Yes, in England and Wales there are plenty of river crossings, either ferries or bridges, so you can usually avoid long detours around estuaries. (Scotland is different!)
      No, you don’t need any local councils’ permissions to fundraise, and as long as you are supported by a legitimate charity (like WWF).
      Wild camping in most of England and Wales is not officially allowed, because there is very little really “wild” land. But plenty of people do it. Just be aware that in some populated areas along the coast it will be difficult to find secluded spots to camp. If you’re walking for charity, and can generate publicity through a blog or social media, people may offer you overnight camping spots in their gardens or even a bed for the night.

      Best of luck with your plans, and best wishes for 2021. I think we’re all looking forward to a better year. x

  9. Phil S says:

    Hi Ruth. Just come across your page whilst trying to plan my first segment Skegness to Mablethorpe tomorrow. I’ve just ordered your book but before I read it can I just ask if you use any apps for map/route following or do you just buy physical maps etc? Many Thanks

    • Hi Phil, I did use an app when I first started 10 years ago, but found it drained the battery of my iPhone very quickly and was useless without a mobile signal. Now I use a hand held Garmin with OS maps preloaded. (It’s a Garmin Oregon.) The Garmin is expensive, but very useful for showing me where I actually am, and uses GPS, so isn’t reliant on a phone signal. I prefer to use paper maps for my actual planning, and always carry a paper map with me. Good luck with your walk and best wishes, Ruth

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